Detective Pikachu – prve reakcije na film
Stigle su prve reakcije na film Detective Pikachu, za kojeg je zanimanje značajno poraslo od kada je izašao prvi trailer. Prije toga, Pokémon fanovi i šira javnost nisu bili posve sigurni što da misle o filmu s Ryanom Reynoldsom koji pruža glas malom Detektivu. Fanovi franšize i oni koji to nisu su bili iznenađeni vidjeti kako Reynolds dovodi u život simpatičnog malog lika i sada ima mnogo ljudi koji žele vidjeti film odjednom. Sada s ovim pozitivnim reakcijama, više će ljudi završiti na vikend otvaranju ovog filma u kinima.
Rane reakcije na Detective Pikachu su tu i one su pozitivne. Film je nazivan “čistim užitkom”, a jedna osoba je čak izjavila da je to “najbolji film pravljen prema video igrama ikada.” Svi ovi traileri filma su činili dobro za njega jer pripremaju ljude na avanturu koju mogu očekivati kada jednom odu pogledati film. Često se ljudi žale kako su najbolje scene prikazane u trailerima, ali to nije slučaj s Detective Pikachu filmom.
Kao što ćete ispod vidjeti, jedan hrabri gledatelj je izjavio da će Detective Pikachu “zasigurno pokrenuti jednu paklensku franšizu.” O franšizi se i priča jedno duže vrijeme, a sada se čini da su ti razgovori samo početak. Svijet Pokémona je zaista masivan, tako da se zaista može očekivati da eksplodira, pogotovo ako Detective Pikachu prođe dobro na kino blagajnama. Za sada, 10. svibanj ne pokazuje neku veliku konkurenciju za film, osim Avengers: Endgame koji ovog vikenda je u kinima, tako da se tvorci iza Detektiva mogu nadati da će hype za Endgame do tada opasti, kako bi Pikachu mogao debitirati na prvom mjestu.
U nastavku pogledajte reakcije na film:
I just got out of #DetectivePikachu and my first thought is OMG HOW DID THEY MAKE PIKACHU SO CUTE!!! It completely nails the world of Pokémon, and just seeing their amazing live action creature designs is worth the price of admission. If you love Pokémon, you’ll love this movie.
— Terri Schwartz (@Terri_Schwartz) 24. travnja 2019.
Wow, Detective Pikachu is easily the best video game movie ever made and a real delight for anyone who grew up with early Pokémon. Who ever thought Ryan Reynolds in a furry ball of cuteness can carry a movie deserves a raise. @DetPikachu
— David Crow (@DCrowsNest) 24. travnja 2019.
Had a fun time with Detective Pikachu. Silly, heartfelt and chock full of Pokémon, which makes for some great world building in what is sure to spin off into one hell of a franchise. Perfectly suited for fans and non-fans alike. #DetectivePikachu @DetPikachuMovie @joblocom
— Paul Shirey (@arcticninjapaul) 24. travnja 2019.
It‘s a hit for #DetectivePikachu. Pokemon fans new & old will rejoice in this heartfelt and authentic take on the franchise. @Legendary and @wbpictures have nailed this live-action adaptation. I laughed hard and felt my heart swell. This Pokemon film is just the start!
— Megan Peters (@meganpeterscb) 24. travnja 2019.
I’m in Tokyo, in a theater, getting ready to see @detectivepikachu! Woooooooo! What do you want to know, @theAVClub readers??
— Marah Eakin (@marahe) 24. travnja 2019.
#DetectivePikachu is painfully cute, jam packed with action and will make you wish you lived in the world of #Pokémon more than you probably already do.
— Ian de Borja (@iandeborja_) 24. travnja 2019.
#DetectivePikachu is a pure joy from start to finish. It’s a heartfelt, relentlessly charming story filled with excellent worldbuilding. Plenty of deep cuts for #Pokémon fans. There must’ve been a grass-type in the theater because I got surprisingly misty-eyed in parts.
— Dan Casey (@DanCasey) 24. travnja 2019.
Just saw #DetectivePikachu here in Tokyo and, man, I wish Ryme City was a real place because I really want a Pokémon pal.
— LoTron Prime Dave Trumbore (@DrClawMD) 24. travnja 2019.
I just saw @DetPikachuMovie for the SECOND time and WOW guys. Get hype for this film’s release on May 10 because it is SUCH wild ride. SO fun and so good!! Mind blowing at moments even!! ?
THANK YOU WB for inviting me to see it!! #PikaPika
#DetectivePikachu #WBpartner
— Anna Brisbin
(@BrizzyVoices) 24. travnja 2019.